Shoulder injuries and contusions: dislocation, dislocation, prolapse and physiotherapy


The high mobility of the shoulder joint – or colloquially the shoulder – is a blessing for a person, but also a source of problems. Shoulder dislocation, instability, dislocation, and subluxation are just a few of the shoulder injuries that specialists deal with on a daily basis. How are they different? How are they treated? We explain in the article.

The structure of the shoulder joint, commonly known as the shoulder joint, gives a person a relatively large range of motion, but at the same time causes limited natural stability, which leads to more frequent shoulder injuries. Despite certain safeguards present in our body, shoulder injuries are one of the most common, including, unfortunately, the recurrent ones. What conditions can occur in the shoulder joint?

Shoulder dislocation
Dislocation of the shoulder joint (colloquially also: dislocation of the shoulder joint, dislocation of the shoulder or dislocation of the shoulder) means that the head of the humerus “jumped out” from its proper place – the articular surfaces have lost contact, and the joint capsule, ligament, tendons and muscles have been stretched, torn or torn. broken. The labrum may also be torn or torn, improving the stability of the joint, which often has more serious consequences, such as instability – but more on that in a moment.

Shoulder injuries and contusions

Shoulder dislocation may be caused by a fall on the shoulder or an extended arm, an injury in the abduction position and external rotation of the shoulder, but also by the accumulation of microtraumas. We can recognize such an impact of the shoulder by severe pain, limited mobility in the joint, swelling and deformation of this area of ​​the body. Sometimes they are also accompanied by a feeling of hand numbness.

What is the treatment for in a shoulder dislocation? First, you need to adjust your shoulder. This is usually done under local or general anesthesia, but sometimes surgery (arthroscopic if possible) is inevitable. After that, the arm should be immobilized for some time, depending on the severity of the injury. The final stage is physiotherapy. In difficult cases, it may take about 6-8 months to even a year to return to full sporting activity.


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