The most effective treatment for shoulder pain


The shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) is a distinct disease in which the rotator cuff is compressed by the anterior coraco-brachial structures. The shoulder pain that is felt during this disease results from a significant reduction in the subacromial space and pressure on the tendons and the bursa. The resulting changes lead to inflammation, which significantly reduces joint mobility.

Where is the sub-box space?

It is located within the shoulder joint, between the shoulder process of the scapula and the head of the humerus.It is very important to diagnose the disease quickly and correctly. Appropriate treatment of sub-brachial tightness will avoid the occurrence of serious changes such as damage to tendons or bursa. Depending on the severity of the changes, the sub-shoulder syndrome is divided into three stages.

What are the reasons for the emergence of sub-shoulder tightness? The main factors can be considered:

  • injuries of the shoulder girdle and shoulder joint,
  • body posture defects,
  • degenerative changes in the shoulder process or the shoulder-clavicular joint,
  • hooked shape of the shoulder process,
  • rotator cuff muscle dysfunction,
  • bursitis,
  • shoulder joint instability,
  • weakening of the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

What are the symptoms of subacromial isthmus?

The main symptom of sub-brachial tightness is increasing pain, but also a limited range of motion of the shoulder joint. Additionally, there may be swelling and tenderness of the shoulder. What else should you pay attention to?

Treatment of the subacromial tightness syndrome

First of all, the correct diagnosis of the disease is important. It should consist of a medical history, an imaging test (X-ray / USG / MRI) and additional diagnostic tests, such as the Neer test or the Hawkins test. The first stage of treatment is pain reduction. It is worth using physiotherapeutic treatments, such as: laser therapy,

TENS currents, medium frequency currents – parameters adjusted to the goals of therapy (pain reduction, circulation improvement, muscle stimulation, ultrasound or phonophoresis – gradual increase of the dose adjusted to the possibility of thermal stress on the tissue, Learn more about the effectiveness of the subacromial tightness physiotherapy equipment: Subacromial tightness syndrome – treatment with laser therapy and ultrasound

As a supplement, pharmacology and rehabilitation exercises are also used, such as: isometric exercise for muscles stabilizing the shoulder joint (closed chain) an exercise to strengthen the muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint (open chain) exercise to increase the range of internal rotation (stretching the external rotators) an exercise to strengthen the muscles that stabilize the shoulder blades

If conservative treatment fails, surgical intervention may be necessary. Surgical treatment is aimed at increasing the limited space inside the joint. As a result, pain is minimized and the correct range of motion returns. NOTE: The process of treating the subacromial tightness syndrome should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor or physiotherapist !!!


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