To fully activate our motor area, we need to take care of muscles such as:

  • pectoral muscles
  • widest back
  • triceps
  • thoracic spine
  • trapezius muscle
  • parallelogram muscle.

Below, we present the mobilization of individual muscle groups, which should significantly improve the mobility of the shoulder joints, giving them back freedom of movement.

Relaxation of the pectoral muscles –we use a foam roller, which is placed at a 45 degree angle under the shoulder rest the hand on the floor and the pectoral muscle on the roller
use slow moving movements back and forth, focus on very sensitive areas, use the sore point stopping technique, and wait for the pain to stop.

Relax the triceps – Place the foam roller just above the elbow near the end ties of the triceps let the head rest freely on the biceps, which gives us extra pressure on the shoulder and the triceps on the roll while riding, grab the most painful spots and work those areas.

Widest back loosening – lying on the roller, place your hand on the floor and place the side of your body on the roller reach the middle part of the muscle using the back and forth rolling movements as well as sideways The characteristic of the wider back is that too fast movements will intensify its tone, so when hitting the painful area, try to work slowly and carefully. Mobilization of the thoracic spine


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