How to Treat Painful Shoulder Syndrome and Regain Health?


Effective ZBB treatment requires knowing the source of the disease, so you should go to an orthopedist. Unfortunately, it is a long, multi-directional and not easy process. How does a doctor diagnose painful shoulder syndrome? Based on a detailed interview with the patient, physical examination and, depending on the indications, additional tests, such as X-ray, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging.

In most cases, conservative methods – pharmacotherapy and intensive rehabilitation of the painful shoulder are effective methods of treating the painful shoulder syndrome (PSB). The patient is taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and may also take muscle relaxants, ointments, gels and patches for pain relief. In some cases, a steroid injection is necessary, but in young patients, doctors try to avoid injecting steroid drugs into the shoulder joint.

A person suffering from painful shoulder syndrome should avoid overload and lead a sparing lifestyle (in the acute phase of the disease). You can also immobilize the shoulder with a sling, although not all specialists support this solution, for fear of contractures and complete loss of mobility. Physiotherapy treatments also give very good therapeutic effects, e.g .:

  • cryotherapy (cold therapy – can be local or general),
  • iontophoresis (introducing drugs into the deeper layers of the skin with the help of direct current),
  • laser therapy (low-power laser radiation therapy),
  • paraffin therapy (compresses or baths with warm paraffin),
  • magnetotherapy (treatment with a low-frequency alternating magnetic field),
  • electrostimulation (stimulation of nerves and muscles with electrical impulses),
  • ultrasounds (micromassage of tissues with ultrasound).

Relief can also bring deep tissue massage and dynamic taping (it relieves pain and increases joint mobility). It is worth talking to your doctor which physiotherapy treatments will be most effective in your case. If you want to strengthen your muscle strength and improve the stabilization and dynamics of shoulder movements, you should systematically perform therapeutic exercises (under the supervision of an experienced therapist). In a few cases (tendon rupture, shoulder stiffness), more invasive methods – surgery – are used.

Painful shoulder syndrome – home treatment

An important element of shoulder pain syndrome therapy are exercises at home (according to the plan prepared by the physiotherapist – self-selection of exercises can only deepen the changes). It is especially important to do stretching exercises every day to prevent contractures and stiffness.

The patient must be systematic, disciplined and patient, only then will he be able to strengthen the muscles, improve the efficiency and mobility of the joint. When it comes to home treatments for shoulder pain syndrome – cold ice packs will work for pain and swelling. You should also avoid lying on the affected shoulder and not make sudden movements.


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