What is a torn swivel cuff?


One or more rotator cuff tendons may become inflamed due to overuse, aging, falling out of the outstretched hand, or collision. Sports that require repetitive arm movements or activities that require lifting heavy objects also put pressure on the tendons and muscles of the rotator cuff. Usually the tendons are strong, but the wear process can lead to rupture.

Signs of torn rotator cuff
Usually, a person with a rotator cuff injury feels pain over the shoulder muscle in the upper and outer parts of the shoulder, especially when the arm is raised or extended from the side of the body. Movements such as those associated with dressing can be painful. The arm may appear weak, especially when trying to raise the arm horizontally. A person may also feel or hear a click or click when moving their arm.

Diagnosis of rotator cuff rupture
Pain or weakness in the external or internal rotation of the arm may indicate a rupture of the rotator cuff tendon. The patient also experiences pain when lowering the forearm when the shoulder is withdrawn and the arm is raised.

The doctor may detect weakness, but may not be able to determine on the basis of physical examination where the tear is located.

X-rays, if taken, could look normal.
MRI can help detect a complete tendon rupture, but it does not detect a partial rupture.
If the pain subsides after your doctor has injected a small amount of anaesthetic into the area, damage may occur. If there is no response to treatment, the doctor may use an arthrogram instead of an MRI to examine the damaged area and confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of torn rotator cuff
Doctors usually recommend that patients with a rotator cuff injury rest, apply heat or cold to the area affected by inflammation, and take medications to relieve pain and inflammation. You can add other treatments such as:

Electrical stimulation of muscles and nerves

Ultrasound therapy – Cortisone injection near the rotator cuff inflammation area
The patient may be forced to wear the belt for several days. If surgery is not immediately considered, exercises to build flexibility and strength and restore shoulder function are added to the treatment program. If there is no improvement after these conservative treatments, and the functional impairment persists, your doctor may perform arthroscopic or open surgery to repair the broken rotator cuff.


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